
In the following section, you will find a comprehensive guide to the visa process in Hungary. You can find the requirements according to nationality. Whether you're an incoming freshman, an exchange student, or pursuing advanced studies, our guide will steer you through the necessary steps for obtaining the right visa. Don't forget to explore the infographic at the bottom of the page for a visual overview of the visa application process. 


Citizens of the EEA (EU + Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland may enter the territory of Hungary with a valid travel document or personal identification document and have the right of residence for a period not exceeding 90 days from the date of entry. 

Students who are EEA citizens can reside in Hungary for more than three months if they are enrolled at an educational institution offering accredited programs. Within ninety-three days from the time of entry, such students have to register at the regional directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing or apply electronically via the Enter Hungary platform.  

At the time of registration, students should be able to present a certificate of admission issued by the education institution or any other document to verify their student status. The registration certificate has no expiry date and is valid together with a valid travel document or personal identification document. 


Third-country nationals are required to have a visa for entering the territory of Hungary and also for a stay of up to 90 days within 180 days if they come from a country that is under visa obligation, according to the Schengen acquis. The visa application has to be submitted to the Hungarian Consulate in the country where the permanent or temporary residence of the applicant is located or in the country of the applicant’s nationality. 

Documents needed for the visa application: 

  • a wholly and legibly completed, signed “residence permit” application form 
  • valid passport (the validity of which has to exceed that of the requested visa by at least 3 months) 
  • one passport-size photo (not older than 3 months) 
  • Confirmation of Acceptance from the University of Pécs (Letter of Admission)
  • Visa fee 
  • Address of accommodation (a document certifying accommodation in a student hostel or the tenancy contract) 
  • documents certifying subsistence in Hungary (bank account statement; or the declaration of the parents that they assume coverage of all costs of the stay in Hungary; or the document certifying the scholarship) 
  • attestation of the school that the applicant is exempt from paying school fees or that he/she has already paid the tuition fees. 
  • travel insurance (Travel insurance is required to cover medical expenses, trip cancellation, lost luggage, flight accidents, and other losses incurred while traveling; it can usually be arranged at the time of the booking of a trip and should be valid until the beginning of the study program) or equal financial means. 

The following guide will help you through the process of applying for a visa and a residence permit in Hungary.


For further information please visit the relevant sites below: 

Consular Services

Residence in Hungary (

Residence Permit (